Spruce Tips, 1 lb
Product availability
This item is only available during certain seasons, and its availability is dependent upon weather conditions. Ingredients like this are fantastic hallmarks of their seasons.
Product Description
One of our many beacons of springtime, spruce tips emerge from the branches of coniferous trees once the weather has warmed and the trees are ready for fresh growth. Though perhaps inconspicuous on a walk through the woods, these bright green gems pack a wide variety of vibrant flavors that can be brought to fruition in an equally wide variety of ways. Foragers will snack on them straight off the tree — often the only way to be sure that the variety of conifer (or, in this case, spruce) have tasty tips that have not grown too bitter. The tips that make it out of the woods are fantastic in salads or as garnish, with an herbal, citrusy flavor. But perhaps the most impactful ways of utilizing spruce tips are through infusion or fermentation, whether the end goal is a simple syrup or a saison. Their herbal and citrusy flavors make a very-little-bit-go-a-long-way when it comes to uncooked spruce tips, but their ability to imbue other things with their inimitable character is incredible, and a fantastic way to stretch their value.
How It Arrives
This is a freshly harvested, perishable item that we recommend utilizing promptly upon arrival.
Shipping Policy
This item will be overnighted to you in order to maintain its quality. If any item in your cart is perishable, your entire order will be overnighted. Exceptionally large shipments may incur additional charges.